Editing Services

Expert editing tailored to fiction writers. Whether you’re working on a novel, short story, or novella, I offer services to fit every stage of your writing journey.

Developmental Editing

Big-picture feedback on your manuscript, focusing on plot, pacing, character development, and overall structure. Perfect for writers in the early or mid-draft stages.

Pricing: $0.035–$0.04 per word

Example: $3,500–$4,000 for a 100,000-word novel

Add-On Service

30-minute phone/video call – after receiving your feedback, have a personalized one-on-one virtual video call or phone call to discuss.

Pricing: $200 per session

Line Editing

A detailed review to refine sentence structure, tone, and clarity, while preserving your unique voice. Ideal for writers with a solid draft ready for enhancement.

Pricing: $0.025–$0.03 per word

Example: $2,500–$3,000 for a 100,000-word novel


Polishing grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style consistency. Perfect for manuscripts preparing for submission or publication.

Pricing: $0.015–$0.02 per word

Example: $1,500–$2,000 for a 100,000-word novel

Beta Reading

High-level feedback from a reader’s perspective, discussing what works and what needs improvement, as well as noting any confusing areas. Notes will be provided at the end of each chapter, as well as end notes discussing the work as a whole.

Beta reading does not include:

  • Correct characterization, plot, pacing, grammar, and other craft areas
  • Rewrite entire paragraphs of text
  • Fact-check

Pricing: $0.005–$0.07 per word

Example: $500–$700 for a 100,000-word novel

Add-On Services

  • Manuscript Critique: $0.01–$0.015 per word
  • Query Letter Editing: $75–$125
  • Synopsis Editing: $150–$250